As I was starting to do these pieces, I did them in part in order to fight against the confusion and chaos all around us. Especially for the political situation in the US, but also all the craziness all over the world. My friend and mentor, Matt Tommey, calls us an army of artists and the thought rose up in me: This is how I fight. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). The nearly daily practice of these pieces has given me space to keep my peace and focus on my place in the world and the battle for truth, justice, mercy, hope, and love. I hope they encourage you as well. If you create pieces, I would love to see them! Use #ArtfulPrayers

artful prayers for the body of individual

I pray for the body of each person I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray they would be strong and healthy. I pray their immune systems would be strong to fight off any disease or illness. I pray they would sleep well and the rest they receive would be healing and restorative. I pray brokenness would be mended and that all systems would come back in line as they were designed to be. I pray for full restoration and growth from strength to strength. I pray any metabolic or cellular processes that are out of alignment would realign so they can function at peak performance to do all the good in this world they were created to do. Let their bodies be at peace and let all aspects of them come into alignment like a divine chiropractic adjustment. Give them wisdom to make great choices to help their bodies heal and be made well. Bless all they eat and drink to make them strong, healthy, and whole.

Friends and Family

I pray for the bodies of the family and friends of those I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their bodies, both physical and metaphorical, would be healthy and with no dis-ease and that they would be united and whole and unity would prevail. I pray each part of those bodies would function as designed in full confidence of design and their ability. I pray each system in their bodies would do its job well and that immune systems would deal swiftly with hostile intruders and leave the other parts of their systems alone. I pray nothing would be missing or broken and all would be well.

prayers for the body of friends and family
prayers for the body of cities

I pray for the body and physical well-being of the cities and local communities of those I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their bodies, their plants, and their trees would be healthy and whole and would bring beauty to their communities. I pray their cities would be places of healing and unity for those who live there and who visit. I pray peace would descend and healing and restoration would come to every person, business, church, and governmental entity. I pray each community would come together and create their place to be a great and wonderful area each loves to be in with an atmosphere of peace and acceptance.


I pray for the body of the states of those I know and of all who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray the physical well-being of each state would be healthy and whole. I pray for the natural resources there and for those tasked with managing them. I pray they would manage them well, both today and in the future. I pray they would properly manage the flora and fauna to be healthy and to contribute to a strong ecosystem. I pray the infrastructure of the state would be constructed and managed well. I pray roads and bridges would be strong and provide for the smooth transportation of people and commerce for business and pleasure. I pray the governmental buildings would be places of peace and truth and that deeds done in darkness to manipulate people and processes would be uncovered and removed. I pray righteous laws would be made to ensure the well-being of all the citizens of the state. I pray each state would be and do all it was created to be and do and do it well, contributing to the health and well-being of the nation and the world.

prayers for the body of states
prayers for the body of nations

I pray for the body of the nation of those I know and of all who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray the physical form of the nation would be healed and made whole. I pray all the wounds from discontent, greed, and anger would be healed. I pray the very ground would be renewed to bring forth healthy plants for healthy animals and people. I pray the natural resources and beauty of the nation would be celebrated and managed well for the benefit of the people, animals, and the land itself. I pray man would use his dominion over the Earth for the good of the Earth and all who dwell on it, especially in the nation where they reside. I pray people would work with the natural order and resources instead of against them. I pray the land and waters of the nation would be blessed and bring forth plentiful crops and build health and wellness for all. I pray governments would serve the needs of their constituents and all would be blessed under fair and faithful leadership. I pray all who dwell in the nation would be blessed even as the Earth under them is blessed.


I pray for the body of the Earth and for everything and everyone on it. I pray all would come into a greater alignment with Creator as in the beginning before evil came to distort and destroy what it could. I pray each particle, atom, and molecule would be restored to its original frequency and it would resonate with the sound and purpose of heaven. I pray everything else comprised of those elements would be rebuilt from the inside out to come into greater alignment with all Creator has said. I pray the people on the Earth would learn to steward well what Creator has given them and with great purpose, according to their destiny—the people and what they steward. I pray all on and of the Earth would bless it however they can for the benefit and the blessing of both. I pray each would be filled with gratitude and strength of purpose and they would be blessed and be a blessing to all near and far. I pray the Earth and all who dwell on it would be restored to its original beauty. 

prayers for the body of the earth world

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