As I was starting to do these pieces, I did them in part in order to fight against the confusion and chaos all around us. Especially for the political situation in the US, but also all the craziness all over the world. My friend and mentor, Matt Tommey, calls us an army of artists and the thought rose up in me: This is how I fight. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). The nearly daily practice of these pieces has given me space to keep my peace and focus on my place in the world and the battle for truth, justice, mercy, hope, and love. I hope they encourage you as well. If you create pieces, I would love to see them! Use #ArtfulPrayers

I pray for the heart of each person I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their hearts would be healed and encouraged and they would have hope igniting for a better tomorrow. I pray the wounds from hurtful words carelessly tossed about by strangers and loved ones would be healed and their hearts would be whole and healthy. Help them speak and hear sweet words. May the words they speak flow from hearts full of peace, love, and hope. May they fight for truth and justice without sorrow and destruction. May their hearts beat with the rhythm of heaven and show the world how to dance with joy in the sun, wind, and rain.
Friends and Family
I pray for the hearts of the family and friends of those I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their hearts would be healed of the wounds of the past and present and that their hearts be warmed toward each other to see and know each other in truth and love. I pray forgiveness would flow like water and strong healthy relationships would result. I pray for understanding of differences within the context of knowing the heart of the person to find common ground and to make a way forward. I pray any evil purpose designed to separate would be revealed and defeated. I pray each would recognize the good in the other and healing conversations could take place. I pray for restoration in relationships. I pray for courage to do the work of healing so healing can come to those closest and dearest to us. May the light of healing and love be rekindled and never go out.

I pray for the hearts of the cities and local communities of those I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray the hearts of people in the communities would be healed and made whole and beat with the heartbeat of heaven. I pray any false beats would be stilled and all hearts would beat with love for all around them. I pray the hearts that have been hurt by ugliness would be touched with the healing hand of goodness and they would find others who also beat with the heartbeat of love and truth, bringing light and beauty to the dark and ugly places in their communities. I pray the frequency of the heartbeat of heaven would saturate each life and community and they would hear the heartbeats of the nearby communities joining with them in the sound of healing and hope.
I pray for the hearts of the states of those I know and of all who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray hearts would be encouraged and they would increase in their capacity for love, hope, and joy. I pray hearts would soften with compassion for one another and the state as a whole. I pray hearts would be healed from any trauma of the last season or any seasons before and increased understanding would prevail. I pray the light of healing and wholeness would come to each state and the darkness of hatefulness would fade away. I pray all would be healed and whole and united hearts would shine like a light of hope and healing all around them.

I pray for the heart of the nation of those I know and of all who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray healing would come and the heart would be strengthened and encouraged. I pray the heart of the nation would rejoice and be glad when goodness comes. I pray hearts would be united and warmed for one another with grace and love. I pray the heart of the nation would beat with the heartbeat of Creator. I pray Creator’s frequency would permeate the land, releasing the nation and all who dwell there into the destiny for which he created them. I bless all those who live in the nation. I pray for each heart and the heart of the nation and that unity would come and healing would pour across the land, healing the people, the animals, and the very land itself from anything evil has done. I pray resources would be revealed and people would work together to bring about a shift toward unity and truth. I pray each nation would be a blessing and they would be blessed.
I pray for the heart of the Earth and everything and everyone on it. I pray the hurts of the past, large and small, would be mended and made whole. I pray we would learn from the past and not repeat negative patterns. I pray we would let forgiveness do its work and release the trapped pain of the past. I pray the heartbeat of Creator would resonate throughout all the Earth and every person, animal, plant, life forms, and place on it. I pray the Earth would come into alignment with the wonderful plans and purposes Creator has for it and that everything in and on the Earth would align with those great and marvelous plans. I pray healing would come and unity would prevail. I pray seemingly insurmountable issues would fall and simple solutions would bring profound and beautiful change for the benefit of all on the Earth. I pray every person and creature would sing its song and all the voices would join in a beautiful harmony of diverse unity. I pray sound would bring healing and wholeness to every place that needs it.