As I was starting to do these pieces, I did them in part in order to fight against the confusion and chaos all around us. Especially for the political situation in the US, but also all the craziness all over the world. My friend and mentor, Matt Tommey, calls us an army of artists and the thought rose up in me: This is how I fight. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). The nearly daily practice of these pieces has given me space to keep my peace and focus on my place in the world and the battle for truth, justice, mercy, hope, and love. I hope they encourage you as well. If you create pieces, I would love to see them! Use #ArtfulPrayers

I pray for the mind of each person I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their minds would be free from confusion and doubt and they could clearly see and understand the truth. I pray their memory would be sharpened and they could see solutions for problems. I pray they could easily identify the resources they need to solve problems and to improve their lives and the lives of others. Give them understanding and help them tap into the wisdom and grace of heaven. I speak peace over their minds. May they be at peace and function as they were designed to do. Clear out the fog of confusion and heal all their neural pathways. May the shalom of heaven be present in all areas: nothing missing, nothing broken, all as it should be. Blessings for clear and healthy minds.
Friends and Family
I pray for the minds of the family and friends of those I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their minds would be strengthened, and they could see and discern the truth. I pray as a group, they could understand one another and recognize their common ground. I pray they could communicate clearly with one another and strife and confusion would have no place in any relationships. I pray assumptions would give way to discussions and that they would seek to understand, not to overcome. I pray for a healthy diversity of thoughts and ideas and a desire to work together to find a mutually beneficial solution to all problems near and far. Help us love those nearest and dearest to us well and demonstrate the love of Creator in these relationships first but not last. Give us understanding and hope for peace and goodwill to all.

I pray for the minds of the cities and local communities of those I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray the minds of those there would be strengthened and come into alignment with truth, hope, and health. I pray for those struggling with mental health issues, that they would find strength, hope, and the help they need in whatever way is best for them. I pray people would feel connected to one another and each would see the lies of condemnation and isolation. I pray wounds would heal and the diversity within communities would be celebrated as the strength it is. I pray that each voice is heard and mutually beneficial solutions would be found to all problems.
I pray for the minds and mental health of the states of those I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray each would understand the truth and see a logical and healthy path forward. I pray for the leaders and citizens of each, that they would all work together for solutions to benefit all who live there. I pray new resources would be discovered and long-standing ones would be managed well. I pray the people would have ideas to benefit them and those around them. I pray they would also have the wisdom and understanding to know the best way forward to receive provision and to be a source of provision for others near and far.

I pray for the mind of the nation of those I know and of all who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray truth and clarity would break through any confusion. I pray peace would come and all within the nation would be united in truth and hope. I pray minds would be strengthened and clarity of purpose would prevail. I pray each one would know and understand their place and purpose and fulfill it with grace and power. I pray any force seeking to overthrow the mind of the nation would be revealed and destroyed and clear, hopeful thoughts would descend. I pray minds would resolutely pursue the truth and righteousness so each nation represented would have freedoms hitherto unknown. I pray mental fog and illness would be healed and all who live in the nation represented by the person reading this be at peace and could fulfill their purpose with their fellow citizens. I pray for true freedom and truth so the purpose of the nation would be fulfilled in the Earth and the Earth would be blessed.
I pray for the mind of the Earth and everything and everyone on it. I pray confusion would clear and truth would be seen and understood. I pray clarity would come to people, places, and nations around the world and all would work together for the greater good. I pray the motivations of people and leaders would be well-defined and all would see and understand their neighbor and leaders in the light of truth. I pray for the discovery and distribution of safe and effective treatments and preventatives of all diseases, hunger, and poverty. I pray people would have brilliant and effective ideas for solutions and they would be implemented ethically. I pray people would have their eyes opened to the truth about issues near and far and they could see the root issues to bring a resolution and not just an adhesive bandage that doesn’t address the real problem. I pray people would have strength and courage of mind and will to speak up for righteousness and truth and to conquer deeds done in darkness. I pray we would unite the minds of the whole world in peace and hope.