As I was starting to do these pieces, I did them in part in order to fight against the confusion and chaos all around us. Especially for the political situation in the US, but also all the craziness all over the world. My friend and mentor, Matt Tommey, calls us an army of artists and the thought rose up in me: This is how I fight. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). The nearly daily practice of these pieces has given me space to keep my peace and focus on my place in the world and the battle for truth, justice, mercy, hope, and love. I hope they encourage you as well. If you create pieces, I would love to see them! Use #ArtfulPrayers

I pray for the spirit of each person I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their spirits would be encouraged and renewed. I pray they could breathe the air of heaven even as they walk on this Earth. I pray their spirits would arise in hope and courage and give them insight and wisdom into things they’ve never known were possible. I pray Creator’s Spirit would hover over them and bring order to any chaos they’re in or have experienced in these tumultuous times and that peace would infuse every moment of their day. Help them especially shake off any negativity, fear, strife, or chaos they’ve experienced this year. Help them see the positive in the people and the world around them and help them be the breath of peace and hope wherever they go.
friends and family
I pray for the spirits of the family and friends of those I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their spirits would be renewed and reignited with love and hope. I pray each person and group would resonate with the love of heaven and all would discover renewed joy and peace. I pray mutual understanding and compassion would lead the way in all relationships and wounds from a lack of understanding are healed. I pray their spirits would be strengthened and they would have courage to do the healing work and have those hard but necessary conversations to bring hope for a better tomorrow. I pray they would be united in hope and love, even while they differ in opinions. I pray they could learn from one another and be stronger for their similarities, no matter their differences. May they recognize and feel tangibly that what unites them is greater than what seeks to divide them, and may they learn a fresh way to do life in health and wholeness. May the light of hope and peace ignite in their hearts to brighten up their world.

I pray for the spirits of the cities and local communities of those I know and others who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their spirits would be united and whole and that they would shine as beacons of hope. I pray their spirits would resonate one with another and with the frequency of heaven. I pray they would be healed and whole and all the tarnish of negativity of the world would be washed away. I pray they would reflect the light of hope and joy in purity and peace. I pray their spirits would be uplifted and express the best version of themselves and their communities. I pray they would be blessed and they would be a blessing to all those who come near them.
I pray for the spirit of the states of those I know and of all who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray their spirit would resonate with the sounds of heaven and truth, justice, and goodness would prevail. I pray their spirit would be renewed and returned to the wonder and delight of rediscovering its purpose within its nation and for its people. I pray those who would seek to destroy the state or nation are revealed. I pray the light of destiny would reveal those who work in darkness and with deceit. I pray these spirits would be strengthened and renewed and would burn brightly. I pray true freedom would not be exchanged for a pale reflection and all who live in this place would be free to do and be all they were created to do and be as the state fulfills its destiny and becomes all it was created to be and does all it was created to do.

I pray for the spirit of the nation of those I know and of all who see or read this piece and prayer. I pray the spirit of the nation would be ignited and aligned with the Spirit of Creator. I pray the spirit of this nation would shine with the brightest light of the spirit of truth and hope. I pray hope would burn brightly and love and joy would be brilliant lights in the nation to the whole world. I pray that any downcast and discouraged spirits within the nation are encouraged and uplifted to add their light to the light of the nation. I pray the spirit of unity would spread and become stronger and stronger. I pray all those who resonate with the Spirit of Creator would stand up and speak up and spread the hope of joy, peace, and diversity within unity. I pray the nation’s spirit would burn brightly for the destiny and identity it was created to do and be.
I pray for the spirit of the Earth and everything and everyone on it. I pray the spirit of the world would be cleansed and reunited with the Spirit of Creator, beautifully diverse but unified for the good of all. I pray all who dwell in the Earth would feel their spirits warm within them and they would cast off any spirits that would seek to intimidate, control, or manipulate them. I pray each would discover or rediscover the truth of who they are and who they were meant to be so they could continue to move toward goal and destiny. I pray the spirit of courage would inhabit every person and they would have the boldness to do right in all situations. I pray courage and hope would unite and each would know their place to make a difference in and for the Earth. I pray the spirits within the Earth would resonate with the Spirit of Creator and help those who live on the Earth to more easily tune in to the resonance of heaven. I pray each would be at peace and be able to fulfill their destiny so all may benefit who now inhabit the Earth and who will inhabit the Earth in years to come.