I pray for Alabama and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would dare to speak up and defend their rights in honor and truth. I pray that the mind of Alabama would be clear and whole, and would clearly understand the rights of its people and property and be able to defend them with wisdom and in peace. I pray that the soul of Alabama would be healed from all the wounds of the past and the present and that it would be free to stand strong in righteousness, truth and courage. I pray that the heart of Alabama would beat with justice, mercy, and love. I pray that it would beat in alignment with Creator’s plans and purposes for it so that it can be blessed in the earth. I pray that the spirit of Alabama would be washed clean of any confusion and that it would rise with grace and courage to defend all from injustice. I pray that the resources of Alabama would be managed well with wisdom and understanding and that there would be plenty for today and all tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of Alabama would be built and maintained well and efficiently so that all who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that Alabama would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Alaska and all it contains. I pray that all who dwell there would be filled with purpose and destiny as they are north to the future. I pray that Alaska’s promise of a brighter tomorrow would be reflected in all who live there and who see hope for the future. I pray that the mind of Alaska would be clear and that it would not be confused by any false claims of truth or justice. I pray that the soul of Alaska would be healed and whole from any and all wounds of the past or present. I pray that all who dwell there would be healthy and whole. I pray that the heart of Alaska would beat with that of Creator for justice, hope, truth, and love. I pray that the spirit of Alaska would dance with that of Creator as the northern lights dance over the land. I pray that the resources of Alaska would be managed well and that it would have lots to benefit the world for generations to come. I pray that the infrastructure would be built and maintained well so that those who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that those in positions of leadership would do so with excellence and truth for all their constituents. I pray that Alaska would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Arizona and all it contains. I pray that Creator would continue to enrich it as it moves forward towards truth and light. I pray that its mind would be clear and steadfast, rightly discerning the correct and right path to take no matter what confusion attacks. I pray that the minds of its leaders and those in positions of power and influence would clearly see the right path forward and would have courage to take any difficult step they need to. I pray Arizona’s heart would beat strong and true and that all would be aligned as it should be with a strong and steady beat. I pray that the soul of Arizona and all who dwell there would be healed from any trauma from the past so that they are able to clearly see and understand the right way forward into a great and glorious future. I pray that the Spirit of Arizona would stand strong and resolute in its fight for truth, justice, mercy, and hope for all. I pray that its resources would be managed well for today and tomorrow. I pray that all who dwell there would be blessed and they would be a blessing to all around them. I pray that Arizona would grow in strength and beauty and that it would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the World.
I pray for Arkansas and all it contains. I pray that its citizens and leaders would understand well that the people rule, and would make their decisions accordingly. I pray that the mind of Arkansas would be clear and free from confusion and cluttered thoughts. I pray that the soul of Arkansas would be healed from any and all wounds of the past or present and that it would stand strong in the understanding of its destiny and have courage to face any challenges with grace and dignity. I pray that the heart of Arkansas would beat strong and true for truth and justice with mercy and love. I pray that the spirit of Arkansas would be blessed with wisdom and revelation of the truth and destiny of the state and all who dwell there. I pray that the resources of Arkansas would be managed well and would bring blessing and prosperity to all who live there now and forever. I pray that the infrastructure of Arkansas would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that the leaders of Arkansas would serve their constituents well and with honor and courage to do the right thing. I pray that Arkansas would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for California and all it contains. I pray each person would discover their true purpose and destiny in an eureka moment and ongoing process. I pray their minds would clear from the fog and smog of negative and false beliefs and perceptions and they would discover real truth above all others. I pray the soul of California would be healed and whole and that fear would not have a hold but love and peace would rule the land. I pray the heart of California would beat with the heartbeat of its Creator and all false beats are stilled. I pray the spirit of California would rise up in strength and peace and rise above all that seeks to tear it down. I speak peace and a blessing into the land and over the people. I declare the righteous would rise up and speak and be a blessing to their fellow citizens for healing and wholeness in all areas. I pray the body of California and all of her resources are managed well and all who live there are blessed due to the richness and blessings of the land. I pray California would take it’s place among the beautiful and blessed places that it was created to be, and it would be a shining beacon of hope and restoration to the United States and the world.
I pray for Colorado and all it contains. I pray that its heart would beat with the heartbeat of heaven and come into alignment with its divine purpose. I pray each heart in the state comes into alignment with the heartbeat of peace and hope and that each would have courage to fulfill its destiny. I pray the soul of Colorado would be healed and whole and be at peace. I pray each person would have a renewed sense of purpose and hope that they can achieve it. I pray the spirit of Colorado would reignite with the light of truth and remembrance that each person and the state as a whole is nothing without providence. I pray that the mind of Colorado would be free from any confusion or apathy and that it would see clearly the way forward. I pray all the resources and infrastructure of the state would be managed well for the use and enjoyment of today and tomorrow. I pray those in management of the resources, human and otherwise, of the state would have wisdom to know the best way forward for all. I pray those in leadership and government would fulfill their true purpose and destiny and serve their constituents well so that each person and place in the state would flourish and the nation and the world would be blessed.
I pray for Connecticut and all it contains. I pray that Connecticut would remember that the one who transplanted people there from all lands throughout the millenia sustains and provides. I pray that the mind of Connecticut would be clear and have clarity of vision for the future and wisdom to know how to move forward with justice and mercy for all who dwell there. I pray that the soul of Connecticut would be healed and whole from any and all wounds of the past or present and that it would come into a greater alignment with the truth of its destiny. I pray that the heart of Connecticut would beat strong and true with the heartbeat of heaven with justice and beauty for all. I pray that the spirit of Connecticut would arise with healing, hope, and love for all. I pray that the resources of Connecticut would be managed well for the blessing and benefit of all now and for all tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of Connecticut would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that those in leadership or positions of power and authority would serve their constituents well and with honor and courage to do what’s best for all. I pray that Connecticut would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Delaware and all it contains. I pray that Delaware would stand strong for liberty and independence and that it would do so with justice and mercy for all. I pray that the mind of Delaware would be alert and clear and see the Truth in all situations it’s presented with. I pray that the soul of Delaware would be healed of all wounds of the past and present and that trauma would not color its vision or understanding of events or the future. I pray that the heart of Delaware would beat with great strength and courage and aligned with the heartbeat of Creator’s destiny for it. I pray that the spirit of Delaware would rise up with justice and truth with mercy, hope, love, and peace. I pray that the leaders of Delaware would lead their constituents well and with honor and courage to do what’s right. I pray that the resources of Delaware would be managed well and bring hope and prosperity to those who dwell there today and for all tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of Delaware would be built and maintained well and that it would be a blessing to all who live or visit there. I pray that Delaware would be at peace and stand strong for the truth. I pray that Delaware would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Florida and all it contains. I pray that it would be a brilliant example to the nation and the world of what it looks like to put trust in Creator and reap the benefits of doing so. I pray that its mind would be set resolutely towards truth and justice. I pray that its heart would beat with mercy, love, and kindness. I pray that its soul would be healed from all the wounds of the past and mended from all that negativity has done to try and stop its progress in all that it does. I pray that its soul would sing with the melodies and harmonies of heaven and that it would be unified in peace and wholeness. I pray that its spirit would rise and shine forth with hope and light for all to see. I pray that its resources and infrastructure would be constructed and/or managed well and that all who dwell and come there would be blessed. I pray for leaders to have courage and strength to do the right thing and to lead their people well. I pray that each person would be filled with wisdom and revelation to move forward with grace, peace, and hope. I pray that Florida would be blessed and would be a blessing to the United States and the World.
I pray for Georgia and all it contains. I pray that it would be a shining example of wisdom, justice, and moderation in all things. I pray that it would remember its purpose and identity and that all who dwell there would have a revelation of their part to play in fulfilling that purpose. I pray that its mind would be firmly set towards wisdom and justice and that it would be a place of unified diversity bringing great strength and courage to its people and leaders. I pray that its heart would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and in tune with the harmonies of heaven that it would sing its song in concert with all the rest of the nation and the world. I pray that the soul of Georgia would be healed and whole from all woundedness of the past or present and that it would be healed and able to go forward in strength and power with wisdom and grace. I pray that its spirit would rise up on wings like eagles and that it would soar on the winds of heaven bringing hope and joy to all who dwell there and all who see its flight. I pray that the resources of Georgia on all levels would be managed well in the spirit of truth, wisdom, justice, and moderation so that there would be blessings for today and great blessings for tomorrow. I pray that Georgia would stand strong and be blessed, even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Hawaii and all it contains. I pray that all who dwell there would be filled with righteousness and that the life of the land would be perpetuated in righteousness and truth. I pray that the mind of Hawaii would be clear and see clearly the path ahead. I pray that the mind and soul of Hawaii would be healed from any and all trauma of the present or past and that all would be restored to its original purpose and destiny. I pray that the heart of Hawaii would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and that all the drums would beat in unison for a great and beautiful future. I pray that the spirit of Hawaii would rise up strong and secure in its identity and destiny and that it would be strong and courageous to do the things that will bring blessing to its people. I pray that the resources of Hawaii would be managed well and that it would be a prosperous land for all who dwell there. I pray that its infrastructure would be built and managed well to facilitate greater unity and strength among all its islands and peoples. I pray that its leaders would be strong and courageous and seek to do right by the land and the people that they serve. I pray that Hawaii would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Idaho and all it contains. I pray the mind of Idaho and all its residents would be strong and clear, dividing clearly between truth and lies. I pray clarity of thought and intention would break through anything that would seek to confuse or distract. I pray hearts would beat with the heartbeat of Creator in perpetuity so that all would come into divine alignment with its purpose and destiny. I pray the frequencies of heaven would resonate from Idaho through the United States and throughout the entire world. I pray the soul of Idaho would be healed and that all woundings past and present are mended and stronger than ever before with healing sent forth to all who will listen. I pray the spirit of Idaho would be strong and be aligned with truth and hope and love. I pray strength of spirit, heart, and mind would rule in all the lives of those who live there. That each would seek to reenforce justice and truth and mercy in all they do. I pray the leaders in the state would be strong and courageous and align themselves with truth and fairness for all their constituents. I pray the body, resources, and infrastructure of Idaho would be strong and solid, built well to withstand all the forces of nature. I pray resources would be managed well for the blessing and prosperity of all today, tomorrow, and for perpetuity.
I pray for Illinois and all it contains. I pray that Illinois would lead the way for the United States in a better understanding of state sovereignty and national unity. I pray that the minds of Illinois would be clear and see the truth clearly. I pray that the soul of Illinois would be healed of any trauma from today or all of the yesterdays and that they would be able to move forward with courage, honor, and hope into a bright future. I pray that the heart of Illinois would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and that all would dance the joyful dance of destiny fulfilled. I pray that the spirit of Illinois would raise up with courage and integrity to seek justice and liberty for all with hope, mercy, and grace. I pray that the resources of Illinois would be managed well and for the blessings of all who reside there for today and for all the days to come. I pray that the infrastructure of Illinois would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that the leaders of Illinois would be strong and courageous and people of integrity and honor seeking the best for those under their leadership or their constituents. I pray that Illinois would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the World.
I pray for Indiana and all it contains. I pray that Indiana would continue to be the crossroads of America and would demonstrate the courage and wisdom to bring justice and hope for all. I pray that the mind of Indiana would be clear and would be filled with wisdom and truth to know what to do for all. I pray that the soul of Indiana would be healed of any and all wounds of the past and present and would have strength and courage to move forward in hope towards freedom and liberty for all. I pray that the heart of Indiana would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and come into alignment with the rhythm of his dance. I pray that the spirit of Indiana would release hope and joy to all who live and dwell there. I pray that the resources of Indiana would be managed well and would bring health and prosperity to all who live there now and for generations to come. I pray that the infrastructure of Indiana would be built and maintained well so that those who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that the leaders of Indiana would have wisdom to know the truth and how to make just and merciful laws for their constituents. I pray that Indiana would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Iowa and all it contains. I pray that Iowa would continue to prize their liberties and maintain their rights as free citizens with honor and courage. I pray that the mind of Iowa would be strong and clear and see clearly any threats to their rights and liberties and take the appropriate action to maintain them and to warn others of the danger. I pray that the heart of Iowa would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and that it would dance in rhythm with that joy. I pray that the soul of Iowa would be healed of any hurts and traumas of the present and the past and that it would have freedom to stand strong and tall for justice and liberty with mercy, love, and hope. I pray that the spirit of Iowa would be strong and courageous and would arise and bring many with it for the blessings that freedom and liberty holds. I pray that the resources of Iowa would be managed well and that there would be plenty for today and for all the years to come. I pray that the infrastructure of Iowa would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that Iowa would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Kansas and all it contains. I pray that it would be strong and courageous and reach for the stars no matter the difficulty it experiences. I pray for the mind of Kansas that it would be clear and understand clearly the best way forward. I pray that the soul of Kansas would be healed of all the wounds of the past and present and that it would be relieved of the load of trauma so it can reach greater heights than ever imagined before. I pray that the heart of Kansas would beat strong and clear with the heartbeat of heaven and that it would have strength and courage to do all that’s needed. I pray that the spirit of Kansas would be free to soar and would release all within its borders into truth and justice with hope, love, and peace. I pray that the resources of Kansas would be managed well for the blessings of all who dwell there now and in all its tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of Kansas would be built and maintained well so that all who live or visit there would be blessed. I pray that the leaders would have wisdom and courage to seek the truth and the blessings of all whom they lead. I pray that Kansas is blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Kentucky and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would stand in unity and stand strong so that they do not fall as a result of division. I pray that the mind of Kentucky would be clear and know clearly how to move forward and what to do for the best. I pray that the soul of Kentucky would be healed of any and all wounds and trauma of the past or present so true unity can come. I pray that the heart of Kentucky would beat strong and aligned with the truth and justice with mercy and love. I pray that the spirit of Kentucky would rise up with grace and power and sing a song of love and truth. I pray that the resources of Kentucky would be managed well for the prosperity of the people today and for all tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of Kentucky would be built and maintained with excellence so that all who live or visit there will be blessed. I pray that the leaders and governmental officials would align themselves with the truth and serve their constituents well and bring greater unity to their spheres of influence. I pray that Kentucky would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Louisiana and all it contains. I pray that all who dwell there would be unified in justice and confidence for all. I pray that the mind of Louisiana would be free from any confusion or cloudiness and that it would be able to see clearly the right way forward for justice, truth, and mercy. I pray for the soul of Louisiana that it would be healed of all the wounds of the past and present and be able to move forward in truth and hope for all. I pray that the heart of Louisiana would be filled with warmth for all and that each would seek the best for their neighbor. I pray that the spirit of Louisiana would rise up with strength and courage in a rich heritage of hope and peace for all. I pray that the resources of Louisiana would be managed well and that all would be blessed as a result. I pray that its infrastructure would be built and maintained well for the blessing of all who live or visit there. I pray that those in positions of power or influence would be filled with wisdom and revelation of the truth and love for all and that they would use that influence for the good of all. I pray that Louisiana would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Maine and all it contains. I pray that all who live there will do so as leaders and that Maine once again would rise as a leader in justice, mercy, hope, and love. I pray that the mind of Maine would be refreshed and clear of any confusion and would know how to lead the nation and it’s citizens with grace and into a glorious future. I pray that the heart of Maine would beat strong and courageous in alignment with that of Creator’s great dance of life. I pray that the soul of Maine would be healed of all trauma from the past or the present so it can move forward with strength and courage in honesty and truth. I pray that the spirit of Maine would rise up with hope and that it would recognize in a new way its destiny and that for its citizens. I pray that the resources of Maine would be managed well for the prosperity of the state for today and for generations to come. I pray that its infrastructure would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that the leaders and those in government would have wisdom and revelation and would see and understand the truth and the best way forward for their constituents. I pray that Maine would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Maryland and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would be gentle in their words and strong in their deeds of justice, mercy, love, grace, and peace. I pray that its mind would be resolute and strong, fixed on truth and hope and that anything causing confusion or deception would be revealed and eliminated. I pray that its mind would be clear and able to see the wisdom and revelation of heaven for the right way forward into peace and hope. I pray that its heart would beat with the heartbeat of heaven and would be aligned to its purpose in the earth. I pray that its soul would be healed from any trauma of the past and present and that it and its people would move forward clear headed and not befuddled by a trauma response. I pray that its soul would be filled with hope for the future and courage to do the work to get there. I pray for the spirit of Maryland, that it would resonate with that of Creator and that anything out of tune would be retuned or eliminated. I pray for the resources and infrastructure of Maryland, that it would be built and maintained well, and that all resources would be managed well for today and all the tomorrows. I pray that Maryland would be blessed and that it would be a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Massachusetts and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would seek peace by the sword, but only under liberty. I pray that Massachusetts would have the wisdom and courage to fight for liberty and peace. I prat that the mind of Massachusetts would be clear and would clearly know the right way forward for all. I pray that the heart of Massachusetts would be blessed and beat strong with courage and hope for a free and peaceful future with justice and mercy for all. I pray that the soul of Massachusetts would be healed of any and all wounds of the past and present that would keep it from reaching true and lasting liberty and peace. I pray that the spirit of Massachusetts would be blessed with wisdom and grace. I pray that the resources of Massachusetts would be managed well for the blessing and prosperity of all for today and all tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of Massachusetts would be built and maintained well so that all who live or visit there would be blessed. I pray that the leaders in all arenas in Massachusetts would serve their people well and with wisdom and courage to make the decisions that will lead to lasting liberty and peace. I pray that Massachusetts would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Michigan and all it contains. I pray each person would look about them and find they are in a pleasant place. I pray resources are managed well and bring wealth and health to the land, people, flora, and fauna. I pray infrastructure is constructed and maintained well for the beauty and health of the state. I pray for the minds of all who dwell there, may they be healthy and whole and have clarity of thought and vision for themselves and for their state and nation. I pray hearts would be healed and faith would be restored in their fellow citizens. I pray their souls would be healed and set free from all bondage of negativity and hopelessness. May each find great hope for today and tomorrow and courage to work towards that end. I pray for the spirit of Michigan, may it become and remain pure refreshing those who dwell there and those who are fortunate enough to visit. I pray for the bodies of all who dwell there. May they be healthy and whole and may cures for diseases be found and medicines that help and do no harm. I pray Michigan has courage and wisdom to become all it was created to become and to play it’s part well in the United States and the world.
I pray for Minnesota and all it contains. I pray that it would shine like the star of the North it was meant to be with truth, hope, justice, and mercy. I pray that it would be of one mind united for truth and wisdom and would have true knowledge and revelation to see the way forward for its people. I pray that the minds of those in positions of power and influence would be clear and see clearly the truth and the path of justice and peace. I pray the soul of Minnesota would be healed from all that would come against it and all the trauma of the past. I pray that it would remember its purpose and bring great hope to all who dwell there or near. I pray that the spirit of Minnesota would resonate with the frequencies of Creator’s harmonies that bring life and hope to all who hear. I pray that the heart of Minnesota and all who dwell there would be filled with hope, courage, and compassion and a love for one another that embraces a unified diversity. I pray that the body of Minnesota, the resources of the land and the structures in place there, would be strong and managed well for the blessing of today and the future of all tomorrows so that it would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Mississippi and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would be strong and courageous and ready to defend truth and work for justice and peace. I pray that the mind of Mississippi would be clear and would clearly understand the best way forward for today and tomorrow. I pray that the heart of Mississippi would beat with strength and clarity and in harmony with the heartbeat of Creator for its destiny and prosperity. I pray that the soul of Mississippi would be healed of any and all wounds of the past and present and that all would come to a greater understanding of one another for greater unity and strength. I pray that the spirit of Mississippi would rise on wings like and eagle on the winds of justice, mercy, love, and truth leaving injustice and all wrongs behind. I pray that the resources of Mississippi would be managed well for the blessing and prosperity of today and many tomorrows. I pray that its infrastructure would be built and maintained well for the blessing of all who live and visit there. I pray that the leaders of Mississippi would have wisdom and see truth clearly so that they are able to make the best decisions for their constituents both for today and for the future of the state and the nation. I pray that Mississippi is blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Missouri and all it contains. I pray that Missouri and all who lead her and make laws within her borders remember and demonstrate with courage that the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law. I pray that the minds of Missouri would be blessed with clarity of intention and understanding. I pray that the soul of Missouri would be healed of all wounds of the past and present and that all who dwell there would be healed and whole. I pray that the heart of Missouri would be beat with blessings for peace, justice, mercy, and love for all. I pray that the spirit of Missouri would rise with courage and strength to pursue the best path forward for all within her borders. I pray that the resources of Missouri would be managed well and that there would be an abundance for today and all tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of Missouri would be built and maintained well and that all who live or visit there would be blessed. I pray that every person in Missouri would be blessed with wisdom and kindness for their neighbors near and far. I pray that Missouri would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Montana and all it contains. I pray that all the treasures it contains, all the gold and silver would be a blessing to those who acquire it. I pray that the minds of Montanans individually and corporately would be clear and able to see the true treasures around them. I pray their thoughts would be clear and intentions set for truth, justice, mercy, love, and hope. I pray that hearts would be healed of any damage from the past and that each person would be able to make clear minded choices not clouded by deception or trauma. I pray that the soul of Montana would be healed and whole bringing life to all who dwell on it. I pray for the spirit of Montana that it would rise up strong and courageous for rightness and truth bringing hope for the oppressed and downtrodden. I pray for the physical well being of Montana and all who dwell there. I pray that resources would be managed well for today and tomorrow and for all the days to come. I pray that infrastructure would be constructed and maintained well and that systems would be in place for the benefit of all. I pray that Montana would be blessed and would be a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Nebraska and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would seek equality before the law and that they would seek to pass and enforce laws which establish and promote equality for all. I pray that the mind of Nebraska would be clear and understand the way forward for itself and its citizens and that it would lead the nation and the world in setting forth laws promoting equality. I pray that the soul of Nebraska would be healed of any trauma and wounds of the past or the present so that it can bring about equality for all today and in the future. I pray that the heart of Nebraska would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and love each and every one of those who live there equally and without prejudice. I pray that Nebraska’s spirit would rise up with healing and wisdom for all who live or visit there and that they would have freedom and courage to pursue their destinies individually and as a state. I pray that the resources of Nebraska would be managed well, and that there would be an abundance for today and all the tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that Nebraska would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Nevada and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would rise up in truth and hope and courage all for our country. I pray that the mind of Nevada would be clear from any confusion or doubt as to the best way forward for all who dwell there. I pray that the soul of Nevada would be healed from any and all wounds of the past and that it would find strength and courage in that place of healing and wholeness. I pray for the heart of Nevada that it would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and sound the call for courage and hope to arise. I pray for the spirit of Nevada that it would be filled with hope and purpose and wisdom. I pray that the resources of Nevada would be managed well for the benefit of today and all tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of Nevada would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that those in leadership by election or appointment or any other way would have wisdom and revelation to know what to do for the best for those they serve. I pray that Nevada would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
New Hampshire
I pray for New Hampshire and all it contains. I pray that its citizens would be united in strength and courage with purpose to live free or die. I pray that the mind of New Hampshire would be strong and clear and would see clearly the way forward for itself and all who dwell there. I pray that the soul of New Hampshire would be healed of all wounds of the past and present and that it would see and understand what has happened and be an agent for learning from the past for a stronger and brighter future. I pray for the heart of New Hampshire that it would beat strong and clear in rhythm and harmony with Creator’s plans and purposes for it and for all around it. I pray for the spirit of New Hampshire that it would be blessed with strength and courage to pursue liberty and justice with mercy and love. I pray that the resources of New Hampshire would be managed well and with the blessings of hope and peace and prosperity for all for generations to come. I pray that the infrastructure of New Hampshire would be built and maintained well for the blessing of all who live or visit there. I pray that those in leadership would have wisdom and courage to do the right thing for their state and constituents. I pray that New Hampshire would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
New Jersey
I pray for New Jersey and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would pursue with courage liberty and prosperity for all. I pray that the mind of New Jersey would be blessed and that eyes would be opened to the true path of both liberty and prosperity. I pray that all confusion would dissipate and that minds would be clear and whole. I pray that the soul of New Jersey would be healed of all wounds of the past and the present and that all would be united in truth and love. I pray that the heart of New Jersey would beat with the strong beat of truth and freedom and in harmony with Creator’s perfect plan and purpose for all who live there. I pray that the spirit of New Jersey would rise up in strength and courage and that the light of liberty, justice, mercy, hope, and love would light the path forward. I pray that the resources of New Jersey would be managed well for the prosperity of all today and for all tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there will be blessed. I pray that those in positions of leadership or representation for the people of New Jersey would serve their constituents well and with integrity and honor. I pray that New Jersey would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
New Mexico
I pray for New Mexico and all it contains. I pray each person would be enchanted with the beauty of the land and the diversity of the people. I pray resources are managed well. I pray that the spirit of the land and people would be refreshed and renewed, and have hope and courage for a beautiful tomorrow. I pray that the diversity of the state and its people would continue to be its strength and that each would learn from the other so that all can move forward with grace and power. I pray for the minds of all who live there, that they would be strengthened and made whole. That hope would fill them, and that any thoughts of doom and depression would be overwhelmed by hope and love. I pray each soul would be cleansed of all the darkness of negativity and shine brightly with the light of the Spirit of Creator. I pray the heart of New Mexico and all who dwell there would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and be healed of all that would seek to come against them. I pray that the body of New Mexico and all who live there would be strong. That each would have courage to do the right and good thing for themselves, their family, their communities, and the world.
New York
I pray for New York and all it contains. I pray that all who dwell there would have hope and courage to move ever upward. I pray that the mind of New York would be healed and whole and would be fixed towards truth, justice, mercy, freedom, and hope. I pray that the minds of those in positions of influence and power and government would have clear minds and be able to see the truth and the best way forward for all the people of New York. I pray that the soul of New York would be healed of all the wounds of the past and that each person would have strength and courage to pursue truth and hope. I pray that the heart of New York would beat strong and true and in alignment with the heartbeat of Creator and that it would move towards its true purpose in the earth. I pray that the spirit of New York would be renewed with hope and peace. I pray that the resources of New York would be managed well for today and tomorrow and that all the infrastructure would be built and maintained well so that all who are and go there would be blessed. I pray that New York would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
North Carolina
I pray for North Carolina and all it contains. I pray that all in North Carolina would be true and authentic to themselves and to the truth, and that any false appearances would be replaced with truth and justice. I pray that minds would be resolute and discern the truth from lies and that all would seek justice and love mercy. I pray that thoughts would be clear and intentions revealed. I pray that all would be blessed with clear-minded wisdom and revelation of the truth. I pray that hearts would beat strong and in alignment with the frequency of heaven. I pray the soul of North Carolina would be healed from any wrongs done in the past to the land itself, or the people who dwelt there. I pray for healing to rise up and for restoration to come for all. I pray all would be strengthened to do the difficult work as it’s needed to bring healing and restoration where ever it is needed. I pray for the land of North Carolina, all the resources and infrastructure that it would be managed well and that all would be as it should be. I pray for the spirit of North Carolina to rise up in spirit and in truth for peace and grace for all who dwell there and to be a blessing to the United States and to the world.
North Dakota
I pray for North Dakota and all it contains. I pray that all who live there will do so with liberty and union now and forever, one and inseparable. I pray that the mind of North Dakota will be clear and filled with hope and love and that any confusion would clear as mist in the sun. I pray the soul of North Dakota would be healed of any and all wounds of the past and the present. I pray that it would be able to move forward with courage and hope. I pray for the heart of North Dakota that it would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and in a dance of joy. I pray for the spirit of North Dakota that it would be free to rise up and soar in freedom and truth. I pray that those in leadership and government would have wisdom and knowledge to know what and how to best lead in their positions and for the benefit of their constituents. I pray that the resources of North Dakota would be managed well and that there would be an abundance for today and tomorrow. I pray that the infrastructure of North Dakota would be built and maintained well so that time spent in North Dakota would be a pleasure for all who live and visit there. I pray that North Dakota would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Ohio and all it contains. I pray that all who dwell there and have called Ohio home would remember that with Creator, all things are possible. I pray that the mind of Ohio would be clear and not clouded with doubt or confusion. I pray that its mind would see clearly the way forward for all within its borders. I pray that its heart would beat with the heartbeat of heaven and that it would resonate with the sounds of creation as it was meant to be. I pray that the soul of Ohio would be healed of any trauma and hurts of the past or present and that it would come into a greater place of healing and power. I pray that the spirit of Ohio would be strong and courageous and that it would continue to seek justice and mercy so that its inhabitants would be full of hope and peace. I pray that all the resources of Ohio would be managed well for today and tomorrow. I pray that its infrastructure would be constructed and maintained well for the benefit of all. I pray that decision makers would be clear on the truth and not deceived by lies of others would do not have Ohio’s best interest at heart. I pray that Ohio would be blessed as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Oklahoma and all it contains. I pray that all who dwell there would remember that work conquers all and that all who work hard succeed when they work towards peace and hope for all. I pray that the mind of Oklahoma would be clear and that no clouds of confusion would disturb the clarity of their intention or purpose. I pray that the soul of Oklahoma would be healed from all its woundings of the past and present and that healing of the land and people would pour out as a rushing river. I pray that the heartbeat of Oklahoma would beat with rhythm of Creator setting a good beat for the dance of life. I pray that the spirit of Oklahoma would arise with strength and courage and that it would stand strong in its identity given to it by Creator and no other source. I pray that the resources of Oklahoma would be abundant and blessed and would be managed well for the generations today and for all time. I pray that the infrastructure in Oklahoma would be built and maintained well for the good of all. I pray that those in positions of influence and representation would know and see clearly the path forward so Oklahoma can be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Oregon and all it contains. I pray that all who dwell there would remember to fly with their own wings to greater heights of peace and prosperity and freedom. I pray that the mind of Oregon would be clear and filled with thoughts of freedom, truth, justice, and mercy. I pray that it would not be cluttered with the lies of deception and confusion. I pray that the soul of Oregon would be healed of all the trauma of the present and the past and that it would be ready, able, and willing to respond to the call of freedom, hope, courage, and truth. I pray that all wounds would be healed and greater unity would come. I pray that the spirit of Oregon would rise up to greater heights of truth and love and soar with the spirit of Creator. I pray that the heart of Oregon would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and that all would be filled with the unforced rhythm of grace that he gives. I pray that the resources of Oregon would be managed well and that its richness would last for generations to come. I pray that its infrastructure would be built and maintained with excellence and that all who dwell there would prosper. I pray that Oregon would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Pennsylvania and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would be filled with virtue for liberty and independence and not be deceived or enticed by those who would compromise that virtue and lead them into bondage. It is for freedom that they have been set free and I pray that all in the state would not exchange that truth for a lie. I pray that their minds would be fixed on virtue, truth, goodness, and justice. I pray that all confusion would clear and that each would see the way forward clearly for themselves and for their state. I pray the minds of decision makers would see clearly the virtuous path and that which leads to freedom. I pray for the heart of Pennsylvania, that it would beat strong and true according to its destiny and in great hope for a better tomorrow. I pray for the soul of Pennsylvania that it would be healed of all the wounds of the past and be settled in truth and hope. I pray for the spirit of Pennsylvania that it would be strong and courageous to take back any liberty lost and would align itself firmly with virtue. I pray for the resources and infrastructure of Pennsylvania, that it would be managed well and for the benefit of all today and those who will need and use them tomorrow. I pray that Pennsylvania would have great hope for tomorrow and will be blessed as it is a blessing to the United States and the World.
Rhode Island
I pray for Rhode Island and all it contains. I pray that Rhode Island would pursue and embody hope in all its manifestations. I pray that the mind of Rhode Island would be clear and healthy and see the hopeful path ahead even through obstacles. I pray that the soul of Rhode Island would be healed of all wounds of the past and present and would be free to pursue its hopeful future. I pray that the heart of Rhode Island would beat strong and true with the heartbeat of Creator. I pray that the spirit of Rhode Island would rise up and be an example of hope for justice, mercy, truth, and peace to all around it. I pray that the resources of Rhode Island would be managed well and that there would be plenty for today and all tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of Rhode Island would be built and maintained well so that all who live or visit there would be blessed. I pray that Rhode Island would be first, but not last, in freedom and demonstrate the honor and courage that sustaining freedom entails. I pray that the leaders of Rhode Island would be strong and courageous and lead their constituents to greater hope and freedom. I pray that Rhode Island would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
South Carolina
I pray for South Carolina and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would have hope while they yet breathe. I pray that it would be prepared in mind and resources. I pray that its mind would be whole and clear and understand fully the path set forward for it to traverse. I pray that its heart would beat strong and clear with hope, courage, and strength aligned with the heartbeat of heaven. I pray that its soul would be healed of any and all trauma of the past and that each would move forward into their future not bound by the pain of the past but full of hope for their future. I pray that its spirit would be strengthened with justice and mercy and that all within would have their spirits rise up in hope as well. I pray for the resources of South Carolina that they would be managed well and prepared for today and for the future. I pray that those in positions of influence and those who make decisions on behalf of the rest would be strong and courageous to do the right thing today and tomorrow for their constituents. I pray that all would have great wisdom and revelation of the truth and hope for a brighter tomorrow. I pray that South Carolina would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
South Dakota
I pray for South Dakota and all it contains. I pray that South Dakota will demonstrate to the rest of the country and the world what it looks like for the people to rule under God. I pray that the mind of South Dakota would be clear and see clearly the way forward through any difficulties. I pray that the soul of South Dakota would be healed from any trauma from the past or the present. I pray that the heart of South Dakota would beat with the rhythm of Creator and join the dance of joy and life. I pray that the spirit of South Dakota would soar with truth, justice, and mercy with love, hope, and joy. I pray that the resources of South Dakota would be managed well and bring joy and prosperity to all who dwell there and in the nation and the world. I pray that the infrastructure of South Dakota would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there will be blessed. I pray that the soil of South Dakota would be blessed and restored to bring life and health to the world. I pray that the leaders of South Dakota would be blessed and lead their constituents well and with honor and truth. I pray that South Dakota would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Tennessee and all it contains. I pray that all the agriculture and commerce of Tennessee would be blessed and that all its citizens would be blessed as a result. I pray that the mind of Tennessee would be clear and healthy and be able to have the wisdom and revelation it needs to move forward. I pray for the heart of Tennessee that it would beat with the heartbeat of Creator and that it would be strong and courageous to do what is right. I pray that the soul of Tennessee would be healed and whole from all wounds of the past and present and that it would be able to move into its destiny with grace and courage. I pray that the spirit of Tennessee would be free to soar above any distractions and seek the best for itself and its citizens. I pray that the resources of Tennessee would be managed well and that they would bring blessing and prosperity to all who live there now and in all the days to come. I pray that the infrastructure of Tennessee would be built and managed well so that the agriculture and commerce of Tennessee would move forward with great speed and effectiveness for the blessings of all who live there. I pray that Tennessee would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Texas and all it contains. I pray that each person would discover the true meaning of friendship with Creator and with one another. I pray the mind of Texas would be resolute and strong in the right beliefs and mindsets. I pray Texas would be a champion for those weaker and less secure in whatever way. I pray the soul of Texas would be healed and whole. I pray all wounds of the past would be mended and that Texas and all who dwell in her would be stronger as a result of what they’ve gone through and more determined to see the right thing done. I pray the heart of Texas would beat with the frequency of Heaven and that any other frequencies or rhythms would be stilled or shift to come into alignment with the frequency of beauty and justice. I pray the spirit of Texas would remain strong and courageous, ready to fight for what’s right, good, and true. I pray all who dwell there would have their spirits awakened to the truth and light of love, mercy, and justice. I pray for the body of Texas. I pray all resources would be managed well and bring blessings to the state, nation, and world. I pray all infrastructure would be built well and maintained with excellence. I pray the beauty of Creator would shine brightly from all parts of Texas to all parts of the world.
I pray for Utah and all it contains. I pray that the industry of the state and its people would be blessed and would bring wonderful things to the world. I pray that the mind of Utah would be clear and free of any confusion and would know the right way to move forward for the best of its people. I pray that the heart of Utah would beat strong with courage and hope and would recognize the rhythm of truth and justice. I pray the soul of Utah would be healed of all wounds of the past or present and that it would be able to move forward with courage and grace. I pray that the spirit of Utah would rise up with truth and seek justice with mercy and love for those far and near. I pray that Utah’s resources would be managed well and that they would fuel the state’s industry for generations to come. I pray that the infrastructure of Utah would be built and maintained well so that all who live and visit there would be blessed. I pray that those in positions of leadership or government would serve their constituents well and with honor for the benefit of all. I pray that Utah would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Vermont and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would be strong and courageous and fight for freedom and unity. I pray that the mind of Vermont would be clear and see clearly the truth about any situation, idea, or strategy. I pray that the soul of Vermont would be healed of any wounds from the past or present and that all would be able to come together in greater unity for greater freedom for themselves and others. I pray that the heart of Vermont would beat strong and true in alignment with the heartbeat of Creator beating for justice, mercy, hope, and love. I pray that the spirit of Vermont would be encouraged and rise up to show the world what unity and freedom looks like. I pray that the resources of Vermont would be managed well for today and tomorrow and that all who are in positions of decision making would be good stewards of what they have been given. I pray that the infrastructure of Vermont would be built and maintained well for the benefit and blessing of all who live or visit there. I pray that those in leadership would serve their constituency well and with honor and courage for today and tomorrow. I pray that Vermont would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Virginia and all it contains. I pray that it would see and defeat any tyranny that seeks to destroy the freedom Virginia has fought for. I pray that the mind of Virginia would be set on freedom, justice, mercy, and hope. I pray that its mind would be clear and that it would not be clouded by any confusion. I pray for the soul of Virginia, that it would be healed from any hurts of the past and present and be able to move forward with strength and clarity into its future. I pray that its soul would be filled with grace and peace. I pray that the heart of Virginia would beat with hope and love and grace as Creator’s heart does, and that it would be strong and courageous to defeat tyranny in all its forms. I pray for the spirit of Virginia, that it would arise in wisdom and truth and with strength and courage to pursue freedom and justice for all. I pray for the leaders and representatives of the people of Virginia that they would be strong and aligned with truth and freedom. I pray for the resources and infrastructure of Virginia, that it would be managed well for today and for the future. I pray that it and its people would be blessed even as they are a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Washington and all it contains. I pray that all who dwell there would have a hope and an understanding of their purpose and destiny that would lead them into the future. I pray that the mind of Washington would be clear and able to see clearly the path ahead. I pray that it would be healed and whole and that clarity would come for truth, justice, hope, and peace. I pray that the soul of Washington would also be healed of any and all trauma that has come in the recent or distant past. I pray that those wounds would be mended and that abundant life would come. I pray that the heart of Washington would beat with purpose and destiny according to its destiny and with great hope for the future. I pray that its spirit would rise up with justice, mercy, truth, hope, and love. I pray that it would clearly understand what it was meant to be and do. I pray that all of its resources would be managed well and that all infrastructure would be built and maintained with excellence for today and tomorrow. I pray that all who dwell there would be blessed and that Washington would be blessed as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
West Virginia
I pray for West Virginia and all it contains. I pray that all who live there would remember, believe, and do their part so that mountaineers will always be free. I pray that the mind of West Virginia would be clear and set on the truth with greater understanding than they’ve had before. I pray that the soul of West Virginia would be healed of any wounds of the past and present and that all would arise healed and whole. I pray that the spirit of West Virginia would rise with strength and courage to become all it was designed to become and that the things of the past would instruct those in West Virginia of the best way to move forward. I pray that the heart of West Virginia would beat strong and true for justice, mercy, and love. I pray that the resources of West Virginia would be managed well for the benefit of all for today and for all the tomorrows. I pray that the infrastructure of West Virginia would be built and managed well so that all who live and visit there will be blessed. I pray that those in positions of leadership would lead with the heart of a servant to serve those that they lead with truth and kindness. I pray that West Virginia would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
I pray for Wisconsin and all it contains. I pray that it would be able to continue to move forward in freedom, integrity, wisdom, and courage. I pray that its mind would be steadfast in the truth and would bring honor to its people and its land. I pray that its mind would be clear from any deception or confusion. I pray that its heart would beat with the heart beat of Creator, in tune with its identity and purpose. I pray that its soul would be healed from the traumas large and small in the past and present so its people can move forward with grace and dignity and fulfill their destinies. I pray that its spirit would be strong and courageous to do the right and good thing for its people. I pray for the leaders in all aspects of the state, that they would be strong and filled with wisdom and truth and clarity to see the right way forward even if it is difficult. I pray that the resources and infrastructure of Wisconsin would be managed well to bring blessings to all who dwell and visit there. I pray that Wisconsin would be blessed and that it would be a blessing to the United States and the World.
I pray for Wyoming and all it contains. I pray that the state of Wyoming would demonstrate the true meaning of equal rights in truth and love to all the world. I pray that the mind of Wyoming would be at rest and peace and able to see clearly. I pray that the soul of Wyoming would be healed of all wounds of the past and present and be able to move clearly forward with excitement and joy. I pray that the heart of Wyoming would beat steadily according to the rhythm of Creator and embrace the dance of joy He has for all who dwell there. I pray that the spirit of Wyoming would be free to express with joy and peace and bring justice and mercy to all. I pray that the resources of Wyoming would be managed well and provide abundance and prosperity for today and for generations to come. I pray that the infrastructure of Wyoming would be built and maintained well so that all who live or visit there would be blessed. I pray that the leaders of Wyoming would serve their constituents well and with righteousness and in truth. I pray that Wyoming would be blessed even as it is a blessing to the United States and the world.
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